Friday, September 18, 2009

poster so far!

So here's what I've got going for my dinosaur/prehistoric/La Brea Tar Pits poster so far... The typesetting of the paragraphs took quite a while so I've just started designing the poster...
Anddd I've decided I'm going to silkscreen it, so I'm hoping to get my screens burned today!
Let me know what you think!


  1. I reeally love your color palette. Came out really nice. So clean the text in small form looks arabic almost. Very nice. How did you set the type for the paragraphs?

  2. I agree, I love the colors that you've chosen. I'm excited to see it silkscreened!

  3. that must have taken you forever, i've only set a few lines and i'm pretty over it...haha. it looks good.

  4. yeah it took hourssss, but i feel pretty accomplished now!
